Monday, 6 August 2012

Mila's 8 Week Update

9lbs 12 1/2 oz

21 1/2"

Clothing Size
Newborn & starting to wear some 0-3 months

We are still exclusively breastfeeding. She is doing great & we are both enjoying it very much! Prefers the breast over having a bottle. Mila is seems to have a sensitive stomach. There are a few things that I have eaten which make her extra fussy : asian food, cherries & carbonated drinks.

Sleeps 1 long stretch each night from around 11pm - 12am until 7am - 8am then she feeds once more and sleeps again to around 10am - 11am. She takes lots of short naps during the day. We are still co-sleeping and will continue to do so until she is 6 months old. 

She really doesn't cry very much. Only when she needs something. 

Fussy Periods
Mila has one very fussy period each evening. Anywhere from 6-11pm, lasting 2-3 hours each time.

Bath Time
She enjoys her baths but loves to have showers with Steve or I. 

Mila likes the pacifier occasionally but doesn't need it all the time.

Mila's Favourite Things
She loves to be held. 
Sleep in a cool room.
Bath time & warm showers.
Her swing.
Bouncer seat.
Kisses from her big sister! 

Mila Dislikes
Having a wet / poopy diaper.
Being too warm.
Being swaddled. 
A lot of loud noise.

2 Hours Old 

1 Week Old 

2 Weeks Old 

3 Weeks Old 

4 Weeks Old 

5 Weeks Old 

6 Weeks Old

7 Weeks Old

8 Weeks Old


  1. i had problems with my daughter as well with the bottle. the only bottle she will take is the first years breast flow. it looks the closest to the breast as ive ever seen and its supposed to be the closest in function. i would check it out if i were you. as for her fussy periods, have you tried gas drops or gripe water? my daughter had really bad gas at night the first two months, which caused her to be cranky. the gas drops did wonders for her. also a belly masage!

    1. I will take a look for those bottles! Thanks! I have given her gripe water which helps. It seems to be improving and the fussy period are getting shorter each day, so I guess the issue is sorting itself out lol
