Sunday, 5 August 2012

My Labor & Delivery Story

After weeks of irregular contractions, on June 14th around 3pm I started getting more regular contractions. The contractions were around every 10-15 minutes but would last 2-3 minutes. I went about my day since I assumed these were just practise contractions. Hubby & I went for a long walk, cleaned the house and made dinner that evening. While I was having my dinner I started to feel a bit nauseous. Didn't think too much into it. That evening we were watching a movie and I started to get really intense back pain. Contractions were still far apart so I didn't keep my hopes up. The back pain was probably the worst I have ever had. It was extremely intense and did not let up. We went to bed and I immediately fell asleep. I woke up with every contraction in the night but they still weren't strong enough or close enough together to make me call my doctor. At 4:45am I woke up with an intense urge to pee. I quickly went to the bathroom and noticed that I had lost my mucus plug & had my bloody show. I went back to bed to tell hubby what was going on. We got back in bed and relaxed. Contractions started to come on really strong! At 6:00am, my contractions were about 5 minutes apart. I  was in a lot of pain but I was able to breathe through the pain and relax as much as I could. I called my Dad to arrange for him to come over to look after Eva when we left for the hospital. After that I called L&D to let them know I would be coming in very soon. I got all my things together and got Eva fed & dressed. I made our bed & folded some laundry! HAHA I was holding off going as long as possible because I really hate being in the hospital. We left at 7:40am and arrived at the hospital at 7:50. I walked myself up to L&D and told my doctor "this baby is coming really soon" She got me into a bed to check me, I was already 7, almost 8cms dilated. No time for an epidural, which was fine with me. I feel like I was doing really well with the pain and was managing to stay as calm as possible. My nurse came in at 8am and I was thrilled to see that she was the same nurse who was there at Eva's birth. She checked me and I was a full 10cms. My doctor then came in (she had to leave a c-section to be with me). She was very supportive and encouraging. I let them know when I needed to push and pushed when I felt the urge. After 1 hour & 13 minutes of pushing. Mila was born at 9:13am! 8lbs 2oz, 20 1/4"! No tearing or scrapes! She was immediately placed on my chest! We waited about 5 minutes before we cut the cord. As soon as the cord was cut they cleaned her off a bit but allowed me to continue skin to skin for the next hour. In that hour I breastfed her for the 1st time. She latched on great! My nurse then took Mila to weigh her, take her prints, clean her up some more & swaddle. Considering I had just given birth & with no pain relief at all I was feeling fantastic. Steve left to pick up Eva to come meet her baby sister, so during that time I took a shower. Eva was there about 2 hours after Mila's birth. She really wasn't too interested in Mila but was excited to give me a BIG hug!

I feel like my labor was great. I pretty much did all my labouring at home which was nice. I was able to move around when I got to the hospital which really helped with the pain. The birth was perfect. I never thought for a second that I would be able to give birth to a baby naturally but I did it! I am still so proud of how well I did! Should we choose to have a 3rd child I will plan to have no pain relief again. There was a huge difference in how I felt as I recovered from this birth as apposed to how I felt when I had pain relief with Eva.

Any questions you have about my labor & delivery can be posted in the comments!

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