So I have 8 weeks to update you on! This will be my longest post about this topic! So I have exclusively breastfed Mila since the day she was born. I pump daily to store the milk for times when I am not with Mila (which is rare) During the first 6 days I noticed that it was extremely difficult to get a good latch with Mila. She had a very shallow latch which I had a hard time fixing. When I went to my 1 week doctors appointment we talked about my problems with feeding her. While my doctor was examining her she noticed that Mila was tongue tied! Something I had never heard of before but was assured was very common. She recommended cutting it which I was against. I decided to give it a few days and see if the problem sorted itself. Well it didn't so we went back to the doctor to have the tie snipped. She was fine when they did it and hardly cried...thank goodness. Ever since then her latch has been perfect!
I don't feed Mila on a schedule, I feed on demand. She eats approx. 12 times each day and those feedings are usually between 10am - 12am. She is usually always asleep at 12am and sleeps her longest stretch till around 8am. After her 8am feeding she will sleep till around 10:30am which is great since that is when Eva wakes up. Then I start feeding her on demand throughout the day.
I have had little to no pain since the first couple of weeks, just soreness when my breasts are very full. I have been using lanolin cream to keep my nipples moist & ice packs if I do experience any pain after feedings. I have found that I have too much milk. Mila has never been able drain my breasts completely so I do pump the extra milk. I usually pump 1-2oz per breasts. We store the pumped milk in the fridge if I know I will use it within the next few days if not I freeze it. Mila isn't a huge fan of bottles so it can be tough to get her to drink from anything other than the breast. When we do bottle feed the pumped milk we use slow flow Dr. Browns bottles (review to come)
Overall my experience breastfeeding Mila has been fantastic. I love breastfeeding and plan to continue until she is at least 1 year of age!
Any questions about the last 8 weeks of breastfeeding can be left in the comments on this post or on my Facebook fan page!
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