About Me


You may know me from a channel I once had on YouTube, "mommyof1andcounting". If you know nothing about me, all you need to know is written below!

I'm Kelsey. I'm a 20-something full time stay at home Mum & housewife. I have two beautiful girls both under the age of two & a fantastic husband. 

At 20 years old my life was turned completely upside down when my Mum passed away from cervical cancer. Less than 6 months later I found out I was expecting my 1st baby. September, 2010 I gave birth to my gorgeous baby girl, Evangelina. April, 2011 I married the man of my dreams! June, 2012, I gave birth to my 2 beautiful baby girl, Mila.
Follow my journey as a young Mum & wife!

Much love, 

Kelsey xo